TooFar Media at the Festival

An Immersive Story Experience

TooFar Media creates immersive story experiences, fusing fiction, music and art, by author Rich Shapero. Get the TooFar Media app, and look for the Craft Reader Gallery at the Texas Book Festival! Don’t forget your gift of the latest novel and TooFar Media app!

Rich Shapero is a writer and musician whose multimedia storytelling projects pioneer unseen worlds. His projects include Rin, Tongue and DornerArms from the SeaThe Hope We SeekToo Far and Wild Animus.

Visit the @toofarmedia Craft Reader Gallery to explore the stories, brought to life, and to change the way you experience literature!

Featured at the festival is the release, Arms from the Sea, which combines the fantastical novel with music by Orenda Fink and Visionary art by Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, to create an other-worldly, immersive story experience.

Arms from the Sea is a tangible encounter with the creative spirit. A guide for reconstructing our understanding of water and our origins.”

—Moses Hacmon

We are excited to partner w/ @toofarmedia! Come check out their Craft Reader Gallery and explore fiction fused w music & art in the TooFar Media app! TooFar Media will be located on Colorado Street, you can’t miss them!

“A delirious fusion of fiction, music and art.”

The Village Voice