Right now, people are wondering what they can do to not only better understand the racism faced by Black communities in the United States on a daily basis but also how to support anti-racist initiatives and organizations in their neighborhoods and cities. We want to share a few resources to help the TBF audience grow consciousness and responsiveness by better understanding the history of racism in this country. Our selected resources show our response to the crisis faced by many communities of color across the nation.
Email us at bookfest@texasbookfestival.org if there are any additional resources we’ve missed that you think we should share.
@WellReadBlackGirl, a monthly book club focused on sharing the work of black writers (see the club’s full reading list here):
Recommended reading from The Stacks podcast (see their Bookshop.org list of 50+ nonfiction books here).
Anti-racism reads from @movingpartspsychotherapy on Instagram:
Recommendations from Tiffany Jewell, author of This Book is Anti-Racist. Visit her Instagram profile for more recommendations and resources.
Recommendations and resources from @southasians4blacklives:
Recommended books and articles from @expansive.hd:
Recommendations shared by followers of artist @jane_mount on Instagram (here’s the full Bookshop.org list):
Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to be an Antiracist (listen to him speak about the death of George Floyd on Democracy Now):
The Antiracist Research & Policy Center, founded by Ibram X. Kendi:
More resources:
- For children: A full list of Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners
- For parents: @TheConsciousKid on Instagram
- A Google document of anti-racism resources, including book recommendations, that circulated following the death of Breonna Taylor
- An antiracist reading list from Elle
- Ibram X. Kendi’s antiracist reading list
- We Need Diverse Books
- Equality and antiracism book list from The Advocates for Human Rights
- 31 Children’s Books to Support Conversations on Race, Racism and Resistance
- Social justice books for kids from Act For Social Justice
- Booklists from SocialJusticeBooks.org