FOUR TREASURES OF THE SKY: A Conversation with Jenny Tinghui Zhang & Gen Padalecki

ANNOUNCING – We’re partnering with fellow Texan Gen Padalecki and her Now & Gen book club for a conversation with Austin author Jenny Tinghui Zhang about her debut novel Four Treasures of the Sky. Grab your copy and read along with us! Be sure to join the conversation on Thursday, May 5 at 12 p.m. CT on Gen’s Instagram Live (@genpadalecki). No RSVP necessary, just stop on by!

When you purchase your copy of Four Treasures of the Sky using this BookPeople link, you will receive an autographed note from Gen! Available while supplies last.

Jenny Tinghui Zhang
is a Chinese-American writer. Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Apogee, Ninth Letter, Passages North, The Rumpus, HuffPost, The Cut, Catapult, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA from the University of Wyoming and has received support from Kundiman, Tin House, and VONA/Voices. She was born in Changchun, China and grew up in Austin, Texas, where she currently lives. Four Treasures of the Sky is her debut.

Genevieve Padalecki (you can call her Gen) is a daughter, sister, mother, and wife. She’s also a traveler, book nerd, activist, actress, adventure seeker, and aspiring urban homesteader. A California girl from birth and a mountain girl at heart, she now calls Austin, Texas, home and lives with her husband Jared—yes, that guy from Supernatural and Walker—three kids (Tom, Shep, and Odette), 14 chickens, two dogs, and a hive of honeybees.

She blogs about her life, books, parenting, fashion, and more at and is the co-founder of @towwn – Take Only What We Need, a community that focuses on measurable steps we can take to live a more just and sustainable life for people + planet.