Read Me a Story: The Bees of Notre-Dame
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Children's Read Me A Story Tent
11th Street, AUSTIN Texas

Just a few years ago, a fire broke out in Notre-Dame Cathedral. A cluster of bees sat atop the roof — what happened to them in the fire? Learn about those bees with Meghan P. Browne and E. B. Goodale in this true story of resilience in the face of disaster.

Book signing: 3:35 PM at Children’s Book Signing TentMeghan Browne, E. B. Goodale, The Bees of Notre-Dame, The Bees of Notre DameMeghan Browne, E. B. Goodale, The Bees of Notre-Dame, The Bees of Notre Dame


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