Wednesday, January 25, 7:30 p.m., AFS Cinema, 6259 Middle Fiskville Rd., Austin, TX 78752
The 1/25/23 private screening of Turn Every Page: The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb is at capacity. If you received an invitation to the screening, have not yet RSVP’d, and are interested in attending, please contact TBF Deputy Director Dalia Azim ( or Development Director Susannah Auby (
Austin Film Society will also be publicly screening the film. More information can be found here:
This screening is presented by Sony Pictures Classics and co-hosted by Austin Film Society, Texas Book Festival, and the LBJ Presidential Library. There will be a Q and A with filmmaker Lizzie Gottlieb (and Robert Gottlieb’s daughter), LBJ Foundation CEO and President Mark Updegrove, and TBF Executive Director Lois Kim.
“TURN EVERY PAGE, about the half-century relationship between author Robert Caro and his longtime editor, Robert Gottlieb, is as much a rock ’em, sock ’em clash of heavyweights as found in any blockbuster.” – Associated Press
“A great profile, filled with wit, affection and detailed stories of how the books came to be.” – Ben Kenigsberg, New York Times
A documentary about the remarkable fifty-year relationship between two literary legends, writer Robert Caro and his longtime editor Robert Gottlieb. Now 86, Caro is working to complete the final volume of his masterwork, “The Years of Lyndon Johnson”; Gottlieb, 90, waits to edit it. The task of finishing their life’s work looms before them. TURN EVERY PAGE: THE ADVENTURES OF ROBERT CARO AND ROBERT GOTTLIEB is an intimate look into artistry, mortality, antagonism, and the transformative power of creative collaboration.