TBF 2024 Submission Form Successfully Completed

Your form has been successfully submitted. Thank you! We look forward to receiving your materials at the address below:

Texas Book Festival
ATTN: Submissions
1023 Springdale Road
Building 14, Suite B
Austin, TX 78721

Please mail a physical copy of your book to the address above within a week of submitting the online form. If you need to send the physical copy later, please email bookfest@texasbookfestival.org with an explanation of the delayed submission and an estimated timeline for the physical copy’s arrival.

If you represent more than one author and have another title you’d like to submit, please revisit the online fillable form.

Most invitations go out between May and August. If your work is selected to be a part of the Festival program, you will hear from us no later than September 2024. For answers to further submission questions, please email bookfest@texasbookfestival.org. Due to the large volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to reply to each submission and inquiry individually, though we do try our best.