Speak! Act! Vote!
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm
Saturday, October 31, 2020

This event has taken place.

This is our world, and it’s up to us to make it one we want to live in. All three authors on this panel use their voices to call attention to injustice, write about issues close to their heart, and inspire others to do the same!

Sponsored by Humanities Texas, 3M, and Brigid Cockrum and Family

  • Moderator: Leila Sales, author of The Campaign
  • Books: Please consider clicking the “Buy the Book(s)” button below the video feed, which leads to BookPeople, Texas Book Festival’s partner bookseller. Your purchase helps support the author(s), independent bookselling, and the Texas Book Festival. Thank you.

Kim Johnson, Francisco X. Stork, Natalia Sylvester, This Is My America, Illegal: A Disappeared Novel, Running


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