National Medal of Arts Winner Julia Alvarez in Conversation About Afterlife (In Partnership with Portland Book Festival)
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm
Friday, November 6, 2020
In Afterlife, National Medal of Arts winner Julia Alvarez’s first adult novel in nearly fifteen years, character Antonia Vega’s life just got a lot more complicated. She expected her retirement from teaching college-level English to bring peace, quiet, and plenty of time to read. Instead, her husband has unexpectedly passed away, her sister has vanished, and a pregnant teenager has appeared at her door. Join us for a conversation with Julia about Afterlife, a book which is in part about managing when just about everything goes wrong.
In partnership with Portland Book Festival
- Moderator: Liliana Valenzuela
- Format: This is a free, live, virtual event.
- Q&A: There will not be a Q&A for this session,.
- Chat: Feel free to use the chat box to share your thoughts and virtually cheer for and share kudos with the session’s participants! Disorderly comments will be removed immediately. Please refer to the code of conduct.
- Books: Please consider clicking the “Buy the Book(s)” button below the video feed, which leads to BookPeople, Texas Book Festival’s partner bookseller. Your purchase helps support the author(s), independent bookselling, and the Texas Book Festival. Thank you.
Julia Alvarez, Afterlife