Global Migration: The Politics, Economics, and People Crossing Borders Worldwide
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Capitol Extension Room E2.010
1100 Congress Avenue, Austin Texas
New York Times reporter Jason DeParle (A Good Provider is One Who Leaves) and journalist Todd Miller (Empire of Borders) expand our thinking about borders to give us a big-picture view of global migration. From the long-term experience of a Filipino family to the increased security and surveillance of United States borders around the world, Miller and DeParle demonstrate the forces affecting the movement of people around the planet.
- Moderator: Sheryl Winarick
- Book Signing: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Texas Monthly TBF Book Signing Tent, Congress Avenue
Jason DeParle, Todd Miller, A Good Provider Is One Who Leaves, Empire of Borders: The Expansion of the U.S. Border Around the World