Deception, Deadly Rivals, and Uneasy Alliances: New Fiction from Texas Thriller Authors
10:00 am - 10:45 am
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Paul Coggins (The Eye of the Tigress) and bestselling authors Jeff Abbott (An Ambush of Widows) and Amy Gentry (Bad Habits) join to discuss their new novels.
- Moderator: Scott Montgomery, BookPeople’s Crime Fiction Coordinator
- Format: This is a live, virtual event on CrowdCast (RSVP link above).
- Chat: Feel free to use the chat box in CrowdCast to share your thoughts and virtually cheer for and share kudos with the session’s participants! Disorderly comments will be removed immediately. Please refer to the code of conduct.
- Book(s): Click the book cover(s) below to purchase through BookPeople, Texas Book Festival’s partner bookseller. Your purchase helps support the author(s), independent bookselling, and the Texas Book Festival. Thank you.
Jeff Abbott, Paul Coggins, Amy Gentry, An Ambush of Widows, The Eye of the Tigress, Bad Habits