Age of Revolution
4:45 pm - 5:30 pm
Saturday, October 30, 2021

The late eighteenth century brought two world-shifting revolutions on each side of the Atlantic—both of which are examined in depth by new books from Texas Writer Award recipient andPulitzer finalist H. W. Brands and Mike Duncan, the latter the host of the wildly popular Revolutions podcast. Brands’s Our First Civil War delves into a social fabric torn asunder as families and friends align separately with Patriot and Loyalist sides during the American Revolution. Duncan’s Hero of Two Worlds paints a portrait of the Marquis de Lafayette, who began his revolutionary career during the American fight for independence from Great Britain, went on to play a pivotal role in the French Revolution, and left an indelible mark in struggles for liberty everywhere.

  • Format: This is a live, virtual event on CrowdCast (RSVP link above).
  • Chat: Feel free to use the chat box in CrowdCast to share your thoughts and virtually cheer for and share kudos with the session’s participants! Disorderly comments will be removed immediately. Please refer to the code of conduct.
  • Book(s): Click the book cover(s) below to purchase through BookPeople, Texas Book Festival’s partner bookseller. Your purchase helps support the author(s), independent bookselling, and the Texas Book Festival. Thank you.

H. W. Brands, Mike Duncan, Our First Civil War: Patriots and Loyalists in the American Revolution, Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution


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